In any war between the civilized man, and the savage, support the civilized man.


              ImageThis article will be nothing but a thought abouta government’s need for WAR and conflicts. While reading Time magazine’s “25 best inventions of the year”, I stumbled on one invention that appeared odd to me: Next to an article about a new pet Iphone application and another one about Nike’s new racer shoes, I found one article about”Body armor for women”. It goes like: Women are not small men. Finally realizing this, the U.S. military is testing body armor designed expressly for a woman’s body. Current designs are too loose and too long, leaving gaps that might make some women more vulnerable to bullets and shrapnel. Even a men’s extra-small is too big for 85% of female troops. The 101st Airborne Division’s 1st Brigade will test the new armor during an upcoming deployment to Afghanistan.

            I believe that the message…

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In any war between the civilized man, and the savage, support the civilized man.

              ImageThis article will be nothing but a thought abouta government’s need for WAR and conflicts. While reading Time magazine’s “25 best inventions of the year”, I stumbled on one invention that appeared odd to me: Next to an article about a new pet Iphone application and another one about Nike’s new racer shoes, I found one article about”Body armor for women”. It goes like: Women are not small men. Finally realizing this, the U.S. military is testing body armor designed expressly for a woman’s body. Current designs are too loose and too long, leaving gaps that might make some women more vulnerable to bullets and shrapnel. Even a men’s extra-small is too big for 85% of female troops. The 101st Airborne Division’s 1st Brigade will test the new armor during an upcoming deployment to Afghanistan.

            I believe that the message that is meant to be conveyed, throughout the article, is that this new (one of the best inventions of the year) body armor, is providing women more safety during attacks…  

            Honestly, many wrong aspects popped into my head when reading this article. First of all, the placement of this article, between others about runners and toys, may seem more sarcastic than intelligent. For such a famous magazine, the creation of a war equipment should not be considered as important as an I phone pet application! If this is the case, then the place Time magazine is occupying in the readers perception should be highly doubted…

            More specifically, one sentence caught my attention and made me wonder about the writer’s opinion about what war is: “…will test the new armor during an upcoming deployment to Afghanistan. If I were to rewrite this in other words, it would sound like: “… this body armor will be tested as soon as we find some people to kill.” From my humble point of view, war is nothing but an excused murder, don’t know about the writer’s opinion but this article is reflecting an attitude of indifference towards the act of “KILLING” and accentuating how “fashionable” this body armor is.

            One of the bases I have learned in economics is that the main purpose and ultimate goal of production is satisfying demanders’ need. When producing a body armor does that satisfy female soldiers’ need, and provides them safety or does it satisfy a governments’ need of killing more people and creating more conflicts?  What if a governments’ need is to kill, doesn’t that reflect a savage aspect of the government and their actions? 

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what if money didn’t matter?

a video for those who don’t know what they want to do with their lives!! it inspired me writing an article about how taking such decisions for students is so hard and confusing! ( the article is called: one very confused student.)

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One very confused student.



        Recently, I started to get stressed out and preoccupied about college preparation and my choice of studies. One of my friends posted a video on facebook concerning choices of what one wants to do as a job. The video’s title was “what if money didn’t matter?”. Honestly, believe that this is one of those critical questions that can have a significant impact on one’s perspective of what he thinks he wants to do.  It got me thinking about a whole bunch of things that occurred to

 my mind while studying, searching for colleges and even while working out. Therefore, I decided to write down all of my thoughts, maybe this will help clarify my vision…

                In the beginning, probably I should think about the video’s title itself: “what if money di

dn’t matter?”. According to the methodologies of brain storming, one must pick out the key words and start analyzing based upon them: obviously the key word is “money”. Economically, money is the way of paying and its value is valid as long as the markets’ agents have confidence in it. (too formal..) on the other hand, to normal individuals, such as me, “money” represents the “HOW?”: “how will I get……?” or “how will I reach…..?”. Personally, I believe that it is not our dreams which are doubtable, it is the way of reaching that’s creating a

n obstacle.( as long as I’m not dreaming of something extraordinary.). this is exactly why in the video the narrator (Alan something) said that he asks his students to forget about money when wondering about their future… he also added: “what do you really WANT to do?”. Is it the coincidence or is it destiny that currently we are studying “DESIRE” in philosophy class? According to my understanding, knowing what one wants is extremely hard for many reasons: For example one may “desire” or want a good, he wants it so bad that the amount satisfaction occurred by procuring it gets emphasized. Consequently, when getting confronted with reality, one gets disappointed due to how the satisfaction did not reach his expectation. Not only the philosophical side that worries me: I believe that sometimes I’m being forced to do something even though no body is pushing towards any direction.

                As always, I thought of talking to my father, who’s always very supportive. I showed him the video and I saw on his face this kind of smile that saids:” hah… my son is young, he’s confused. But it is really positive that he’s looking for answers.”. his reaction was:”yeah… but actually you need to have the means to do what you want” and he also added that I can do BOTH. I thought “which both? My job and what I like? Aren’t you the same person who told me that I should like my job?”. Another weird thing about eldersis that when talking to one one of them, he starts explaining how much he likes his job and his life! Should I believe that every adult is so happy doing his job and leading the life he always dreamed of? If this is the case, then I would like to talk to one of those so called “miserables”, maybe he’s the only one who’s honestly happy. Anyway, back to my father: most of my friends consider him cool and unconventional, I believe in this too, but give it a second thought: My grand grand father, my grandfather, my father and both of my cousins are bankers, WTF?! It is not that I don’t want to be a banker, as a matter of fact I’m good at economics. But don’t try to convince me that all of my relatives were born to be bankers! They’re good at what they do, but is it natural talent that helped them reach this high level of expertise? I personally disagree, I believe it is hard work and not talent! So talking to my father/family didn’t really help me reaching a higher level of certitude about my future.

                This time, I believe it is destiny that I have a history teacher whose political affiliation is  left winged. He’s always criticizing the American liberalism, which makes his class fun and interesting. “What does this has to do with college?” Simple, we started off with the question “what if money didn’t matter?”. Under his influence, I humbly started to believe that I am one of the victims of the capitalist system: money is my highest and most difficult obstacle! (at least this is what I feel). Don’t let yourself believe that I am communist or something: I only am one very confused senior student! I don’t want neither, to be dragged by the flow nor left behind. I want to find another way of doing it! According to Pascal individuals can act as follow: either t

hey know the truth but they never take decisions that can disturb the flow, keeping then peace in society. Others may have the same global understanding but they prefer to act and change the way of how actions happen around them… Even more confusing!

                That’s why I decided to start writing: a paper is the best listener, it always gives me the reaction I’m waiting for. Even more, it inspires me and helps me dig deeper in my thoughts! To conclude on this subject, I would like to express my high hopes of succeeding  in describing a student’s hesitation when confronted with critical decisions! Maybe I still did not choose any subject or major cause I still can’t define my “wants” but what I now is that writing makes me FEEL better. If you like what you just read please share your opinion, I can assure you that I need every single opinion!!

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